Livaron Syrup
“LIVARON SYRUP” is an outstanding herbal formulation that cures liver related disorders including, enhances and balances the bile juice flow, anti – viral against hepatitis – B, Improves appetite, promotes digestion and assimilation process, protects liver from the damage caused by excess alcohol consumption. This syrup works amazingly on all liver related disorders. It’s made from 100% natural herbs and free from harmful chemicals.
A safe and effective medicine for the following health conditions

Aarogyam Ayurveda
Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus Niruri)
Bhumiamla has hepatoprotective, antiviral and antioxidant properties. It helps to cure liver related disorders and also prevents ulcers.
Chitrak (Plumbago zeylancia)
Chitrak helps to boost metabolism. It is extremely beneficial in fatty liver.
Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata)
Kalmegh kills intestinal worms, aids the digestive system, packed with antioxidants, anti – inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It’s great to maintain a healthy liver.
Kutki (Picrorhiza kurrooa)
Kutki is highly beneficial in liver anomalies, prevents ulcers, promotes digestion.
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Punarnava is a hepatoprotective herb. It supports healthy liver function by eliminating the toxins from the organ.
Bhrangraj (Eclipta Prostrata)
Bhrangraj helps to maintain good digestion and improves appetite. It has digestive, laxative, rejuvenating and laxative properties.
Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
Ajwain is a great herb that helps to maintain healthy liver. It relieves gas, bloating, indigestion and prevents ulcers.
Haritki (Terminalia chebula)
Haritki has laxative properties, helps to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the liver.
Pitpara (Fumaria parviflora)
Pitpara has PITTA and KAPHA balancing properties. It’s a great medicinal herb for liver.
Kaka Machi (Solanum nigrum Linn)
kaka Machi helps in fatty liver. It has anti – inflammatory, analgesic and antibiotic properties.
Vidang (Embelia ribes)
Vidang has laxative properties and it helps to maintain healthy liver.
Sarfonka (Tephrosia purpurea)
Sarfonka helps to manage liver related disorders and eliminates toxins from the liver.
Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica)
Amla is a natural detoxifier and it helps to flushing out the toxins from the liver.
Arjun (Terminalia arjuna)
Arjuna helps to improve appetite and maintain healthy liver.
Aarogyam Ayurveda
For some days I did not feel hungry nor could I eat properly, due to which I became irritable. I came to know about “LIVARON SYRUP” and after consuming it for few days, it improved my appetite and digestion.

Raman singh
Due to excessive consumption of alcohol, my liver was getting damaged. I got information about “LIVARON SYRUP” from my father. After a few weeks of consumption, my liver became completely healthy.

Shyaam lal
I had fatty liver that caused a lot of health complications. I started taking “LIVARON SYRUP” and it proved to be very beneficial for me. It’s an amazing ayurvedic product and now my liver is completely healthy.

Anushka singh